Precious Gemstones


We have an amazing collection of stunning gems, ready to dazzle and delight, available to local customers.

If you see one that speaks to you, call us at 508-673-0561 to reserve it. We can reserve it for 14 days.

When you come to the store to pick it up, we can discuss exactly what you would like us to create for you. Nothing would please us more.

These colored gemstones represent just a small sampling of our unique collection. Our family-owned jewelry store may reside in the little town of Swansea, MA, but we have played host to incredible treasures from all around the world.

Each gem is a miniature piece of art in itself that can be worn and enjoyed for a lifetime.

If you have a special request, we will be happy to find the perfect precious gem for you.

These gems are best viewed in person, enabling you to experience each gemstone's unique play of color, light, and sparkle.